lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Cardenal Cooray, ¿nueva causa oblata?

El arzobispo Malcolm sugiere inciar la causa de nanonización del cardinal Thomas Cooray, OMI

El arzobispo Malcolm Ranjith, ante el Presbiterio de la archidiócesis de Colombo, dijo que llevaba en su corazón la idea de elevar a los altares la augusta figura de su predecesor el cardenal Thomas Cooray, arzobispo de Colombo, pues ha constatado que la gente lo invoca cada vez más, y ya hay un buen número de casos de favores obtenidos por su intercesión. Es sabido que Isri Lanka reconoce tanto sus múltiples años de trabajo como su santidad. Y añade: “Propuse esta idea al P. Guillermo Steckling, superior general de los oblatos, cuando nos visitó recientemente y también él manifestó interés por esta propuesta y prometió ayudarnos. Así pues tengo la intención de designar a dos sacerdotes, uno del clero de la archidiócesis de Colombo y el otro, un Oblato de Maria Inmaculada [consultando al P. Clement Waidyasekara OMI, superior provincial de los Padres Oblatos de la provincia meridional] para iciniciar la primera fase del proceso sobre la materia”.

A continuación, el texto original de la noticia, en inglés.

Archbishop Malcolm suggests Thomas Cardinal Cooray OMI, for canonization

His Grace Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith addressing the Presbyterium of the Archdiocese of Colombo said, " I would like to share with you something which has been very close to my heart for quite sometime now. And that concerns the possibility of raising to the Altars the august figure of His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Cooray OMI, the 6th Archbishop of Colombo. Quite a number of you have known the Late Cardinal personally. Increasing numbers of people go to him seeking his spiritual intervention on their behalf and a number of cases of favours obtained have been spoken of. This Archdiocese is what it is today to a great extent because of his dedicated years of labour among us and his personal sanctity which is quite well known in this country. I actually mooted this idea with the Oblate Superior General Very Rev. Fr. Steckling when he visited us recently and he too showed interest in the proposal agreeing to help us. Thus it is my intention to appoint two priests, one from the clergy of the Archdiocese of Colombo and the other, an Oblate of Mary Immaculate. [ in consultation with Rev. Fr. Clement Waidyasekara OMI, the Provincial Superior of the Oblate Fathers of the Southern Province ] in order to undertake a first probe into the matter. I will keep you informed of future developments on this matter. May I request you kindly to ask your faithful to earnestly pray for this intention."

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